誠如先前所提到,Warner Bros.斥資 2,500 萬美元重拍《Justice League》部份鏡頭一事,除去檔期與資金問題,其中最讓人頭痛的莫過於「超人」 Henry Cavill 的鬍子問題。當初結束《Justice League》拍攝工作後旋即投入《Mission: Impossible 6》劇組的他,為戲中需要而蓄起大鬍子。然而那廂《Justice League》重拍中的超人角色,為求連戲也不允許他帶有鬍子出演。因此,Henry Cavill 在 Instagram 上戲稱,Warner Bros 與 Paramount Studios 兩大影業聯手打造了武器,一同對付最大敵人- 他的鬍子。據了解,這個被 Henry Cavill 戲稱為大型武器的機具主要是用來在後期製作去除 Henry Cavill 鬍子的專業設備,也讓人相當好奇當今 Hollywood 的技術能否百分百還原「超人」的白淨臉孔。

Dear followers, it is time to finally set the record straight in this moustache fiasco. Pictured above, is not a set on MI6 but is in fact the latest in a series of weapons being designed by Warner Bros and Paramount Studios to combat the entity known as "Henry Cavill's Moustache". There has been no discussion over whether to shave or not to shave for the JL reshoots, simply a relentless campaign to put an end to the seemingly inexorable conquest of this despotic 'stache. It is not a question of IF I should shave - it is a question of how can we possibly be victorious against such a beast without bringing our own doom raining down upon us. #MI6 #JusticeLeague #HenryCavillsMoustache #HopeIsAllWeHaveLeft #MoustacheImpossible

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