正當有消息透露 Apple 將於 9 月 12 日舉行新 iPhone 的發佈會,那邊廂 Samsung 已在紐約發佈最新一代旗艦大作 Galaxy Note 8 正面進擊,這便看 Apple 下月要如何回擊。而據早前消息透露新 iPhone 的定價將高達 $1,000 美元,令不少用家因而卻步。Barclays 公司的 Mark Moskowitz 和分析師統計指出,Samsung Galqaxy Note 8 的推出將會更進一步佔據市場,這將會是 Appel 的一個頗大的威脅。當中調查結果更顯示,只有 18% 用家表示會購買定價美金 $1,000 元的新 iPhone。

While the device itself seems more evolutionary than revolutionary, we believe this launch represents the return of staunch competition into the premium segment ($700+ ASP) of the smartphone market following Samsung’s Note 7 debacle last year. For Apple, we are concerned that the company needs to meet momentous investor expectations following the expected launch of three new iPhone devices in September. This could be made more challenging when considering that only 18% of potential iPhone buyers are willing to spend $1,000+ for a new device (Wireless Subscriber Survey; 08/09/17), which is below the 30-35% figure investors seem to be expecting.

Barclays 公司提到雖然 Samsung 上年受到 Galaxy Note 7 的災難,但今年上季度已經看到有少量增長。另外除 Samsung 的威脅之外,越來越多消費者開始接觸中端手機市場,特別是中國有着多個電話品牌如小米,華為,OPPO 等崛起,亦讓 Apple 面臨更多的挑戰。而最近 Apple 的股價從 159.78 美元降至 146 美元,看來要等待新 iPhone 出爐才有機會回升。

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